Designer : Reiner Knizia
Artist : Hami
Discover Reiner Knizia’s brief yet intense game ideas, all in one box.
This collection of party games is played using a small wooden stick.
You must win each mini-game and complete the bingo before anyone else!
A fantastic party game that keeps you engaged and moving!
- Age : 8+
- Players : 2-6
- Duration : 30'
78 sticks
158 Activity Cards
1 Answer Board
16 numbered tokens
72 Bingo Tokens
6 Bingo Boards
6 Screens
Technical information
- Dimensions : 270*205*55
- Weight :
- Case count :
- MSRP : $29,99
- Made in : China
Designer : Reiner Knizia
Artist : Hami
Discover Reiner Knizia’s brief yet intense game ideas, all in one box.
This collection of party games is played using a small wooden stick.
You must win each mini-game and complete the bingo before anyone else!
A fantastic party game that keeps you engaged and moving!
Key Elements
- Party Game
- Action
- Dexterity
- Trivia