Designer : Cédric Millet
Artist : Pierô, Maud Chalmel, Martin Vidberg
Discover 3 puzzles that offer a unique challenge and a captivating story.
Assemble the tiles, delve into the mysteries, and flip them over to admire the stunning illustrations on the reverse side.
Each box will containe 3 puzzles and for this first here are the themes :
- The Heist: Engage in the investigation with 56 tiles as you reconstruct the notes of the intrepid detective to solve a thrilling theft.
- The Machine: Embark on a journey through time and space with 54 tiles, piecing together the narratives of a professor across parallel dimensions.
- Imhotep: Uncover ancient secrets and mysteries with 70 tiles, deciphering the notes of an archaeologist who unearthed the enigmatic bas-relief of Imhotep.
- Age : 10+
- Players : 1+
- Duration : 30-60
56 tiles
(34mm x 34mm)
6 clue cards
54 tiles
(42mm x 28mm)
6 clue cards
70 tiles
(34mm x 34mm)
6 clue cards
Technical information
- Dimensions : 120*180*50
- Weight :
- Case count :
- MSRP : 23$
- Made in : China
Designer : Cédric Millet
Artist : Pierô, Maud Chalmel, Martin Vidberg
Discover 3 puzzles that offer a unique challenge and a captivating story.
Assemble the tiles, delve into the mysteries, and flip them over to admire the stunning illustrations on the reverse side.
Each box will containe 3 puzzles and for this first here are the themes :
- The Heist: Engage in the investigation with 56 tiles as you reconstruct the notes of the intrepid detective to solve a thrilling theft.
- The Machine: Embark on a journey through time and space with 54 tiles, piecing together the narratives of a professor across parallel dimensions.
- Imhotep: Uncover ancient secrets and mysteries with 70 tiles, deciphering the notes of an archaeologist who unearthed the enigmatic bas-relief of Imhotep.
Key Elements
- Puzzle
- Cooperative
- Clues
- Reveal
- Art